Private and luxurious villas. Safest areas. Direct booking!
You save up to 25%Book directly on our site to save up to 25% on commissions otherwise charged by most booking platforms, such as Airbnb, VRBO, Expedia and others. You can also pay via bank transfer to get 3% additional discount!
Secure & Private areasWe offer vacation rentals only in secure and private areas. Gaining the top positions on the hospitality market since 2014, we have acquired expertise and knowledge that guarantee our clients’ safety and privacy during their unique vacations in the DR.
Full package of servicesWe can organize whatever you and your budget desire – from an airport shuttle to a private helicopter. Luxury apartments, best excursions, concierge service, personal chef and much more. Save your time and money and get everything you need in one place.
We are quick & responsibleWe have come a long way to create a team that quickly and efficiently surpasses even the upmost expectations in hospitality industry. Send us your inquiry and we will organize your unforgettable vacation and see you among our regular customers!
Amazing meal plans & ChefExclusively for our customers, we offer meal plans and personal chef services at very attractive prices. We have worked hard to combine the privacy of apartments with all-inclusive hotel features. You no longer need to worry about meals on vacation!
Transparency and HonestyWe provide not only photos, but also videos of our apartments, which a few companies in our industry do. Moreover, our reviews on this site are taken from independent services, such as Airbnb, and you can easily check them in our profiles there.
Airbnb SuperhostWe were honored with Airbnb Superhost Award in 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. We have more than 1600 reviews and 68 listings!
VRBO Premier PartnerWe are VRBO (former HomeAway) Premier Partner and VRBO Successful Member since 2016
Money BackA 100% refund is granted when a cancellation is made not less than 48 hours before the date of excursions or extra services
Wide RepresentationWe are also represented in such top booking services as and since 2015
Licensed & CertifiedWe are Leading company in Hospitality Management in Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic
Tripadvisor CertificateWe were honored with Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence in 2017. We are Tripadvisor Member since 2015